
Every Time We Say Goodbye By Natalie Jenner Happily Ever Maybe By Carrie Ann Ryan      
Every Time We Say Goodbye
Meet the author
Natalie Jenner
Happily Ever Maybe
Meet the author
Carrie Ann Ryan

Elizabeth Flock

Dear Reader,

It's been seven years since the heartbreaking New York Times bestseller ME & EMMA became a much-discussed book club favorite. Now the much-anticipated follow-up is poised to become 2012's blockbuster read of the summer. WHAT HAPPENED TO MY SISTER picks up the day ME & EMMA leaves off, with young Carrie Parker and her mother driving away from the shards of their shattered lives to begin anew. Find out where they end up and what miracles await when little Carrie asks WHAT HAPPENED TO MY SISTER. I'm giving away five books. Write to win!

Elizabeth Flock