
Every Time We Say Goodbye By Natalie Jenner Happily Ever Maybe By Carrie Ann Ryan      
Every Time We Say Goodbye
Meet the author
Natalie Jenner
Happily Ever Maybe
Meet the author
Carrie Ann Ryan

Kathy Hepinstall

Dear Reader,

I researched and started writing BLUE ASYLUM on the island of Sanibel, off Florida's west coast. It's a strange and largely wild place, still pristine and ominous, a place of flat blue-green water, and breezes and crocodiles. In 1864, the year BLUE ASYLUM takes place, it must have been even more beautiful, dangerous, and unpredictable. It proved the perfect setting for this story of madness and love. They say madness is a double-edged sword.  It can cause you great misunderstanding, institutionalization, and even physical torture. But it's so handy when you fall in love.

I'm giving away five books. Write to me - - for a chance to win!

Kathy Hepinstall