
Every Time We Say Goodbye By Natalie Jenner Happily Ever Maybe By Carrie Ann Ryan      
Every Time We Say Goodbye
Meet the author
Natalie Jenner
Happily Ever Maybe
Meet the author
Carrie Ann Ryan

Nancy Mehl

Dear Reader,

Hope Kauffman loves Kingdom, Kansas, a small Mennonite town tucked away from the rest of the world. But when evil broaches their borders, two men she cares for are thrust into a battle between their nonviolent beliefs and their need to keep Hope, and the rest of town, safe from outside forces. This confrontation will not only test the town's faith, but could ultimately cost Hope her life.

I'm giving away five copies of UNBREAKABLE plus $5.00 gift cards for Starbucks. Write me – – for a chance to win!

Nancy Mehl