
Every Time We Say Goodbye By Natalie Jenner Happily Ever Maybe By Carrie Ann Ryan      
Every Time We Say Goodbye
Meet the author
Natalie Jenner
Happily Ever Maybe
Meet the author
Carrie Ann Ryan

Corinne Sullivan

Dear Reader,

Imogene Abney accepts a teaching position at Vandenberg School for Boys to vicariously experience life as an elite prep school student but she gets more than she bargained for when popular, handsome senior Adam Kipling takes an interest. Exploring issues of class, sex, and gender, Imogene and Kip's illicit, obsessive affair challenges the black-and-white nature of victimhood.

Publishers Weekly calls INDECENT, "[A] surprising debut... an affecting novel, examining self-doubt, self-sabotage, and the lasting impact of both."

Email me at to win one of five signed copies.

Corinne Sullivan