
Every Time We Say Goodbye By Natalie Jenner Happily Ever Maybe By Carrie Ann Ryan      
Every Time We Say Goodbye
Meet the author
Natalie Jenner
Happily Ever Maybe
Meet the author
Carrie Ann Ryan

Ronna Wineberg

Dear Reader,

Do you wonder how contemporary life affects our deepest relationships?

The stories in NINE FACTS THAT CAN CHANGE YOUR LIFE explore our essential bonds to partners, children, parents and friends. Intimacy, marriage, parenthood, adultery, divorce, and the past unfold. Men and women struggle with unexpected changes in their lives, but discover kindness, connection, and the ways we are renewed.

Kirkus Reviews notes: "There's still more to each story after the author is finished with her characters, and that's what makes this collection so satisfying."

Write to for a chance to win one of five copies!

Ronna Wineberg