
Embracing the Change By Kristen Ashley A Vampire's Mate By Rebecca Zanetti      
Embracing the Change
Meet the author
Kristen Ashley
A Vampire's Mate
Meet the author
Rebecca Zanetti

Maureen Healy

Dear Reader,

Want to be happy? Help your kids create their strongest and happiest lives? I bet the answer is a resounding — YES!

I wrote this book for that reason and that one alone. With twenty years of global experience helping parents raise happier kids, I have discovered that not everyone "knows" how to plant the seeds of inner strength and ultimately happiness in their kids. GROWING HAPPY KIDS answers that deep wish in every parent's heart.

If you are not feeling all that confident or happy right now – don't worry! You've come to the right place as happiness is caused and confidence is a skill to learn. If I can do it, I promise you can do it too.

Be well and happy,

Maureen Healy

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