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Our ad campaigns reach your niche markets via a variety of sites and blogs that we choose for you and your book, including Facebook, Goodreads, Amazon, The New York Times, NPR, USAToday, and more. We've created ads for top publishers and bestselling authors reaching from 400,000 to 25 million readers. We also run promotions to dazzle your books before frequent buyers during major holiday shopping times: HolidayBuzz (Thanksgiving to Christmas) and SummerBuzz Reading specials (July to August).With your input, we create the ads for you, link to your website as well as online booksellers, and report impressions and click through numbers at the end of the campaign.
Your book isn’t going to sell itself. Give us a call and we’ll get it buzzing.
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Who Gets Your Buzz:
Shelf-Awareness.com (Pro & Readers) reaches:- Over 76,000 in the trade including 4000 booksellers, 13,000 librarians, tens of 1000s of bloggers, media and other industry pros
- Over 550,000 readers
- Over 495,000 readers
- 13,000 librarians
- More than 23,000 school librarians and media specialists via the Extra Helping and SLJ Teen e-newsletters
This Week's Buzz: